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perkotek.comStrike YB 1000 C Selenoid Bolt Pinned Lock
  • perkotek.com

Selenoid Bolt Pinned Lock Technical Features

Lock Dimensions: 210 (L) x 25 (W) x 42 (H) mm.
Pin: 16 mm DIA, stainless steel round pin. The pin is 13 mm.
Lock Structure: Made of stainless steel.
Lock Cylinder: One side of the cylinder is latch and other side is mechanical.
Holding Power: 1.000 kg.
Voltage: Continues to operate with 12 Volt DC voltage.
Operating Start Current (mA): 900mA
Standby Current: 180mA
Feature: Fail Secure.
Operating Temperature Range: Operating between -10 ° c and + 55 ° c.
Places of Usage: Pvc doors, metal doors and wooden doors.
Weights: 1 kg.
Testing: 500,000 opening have been tested.
Related Search Tags: lock, selenoid bolt pinned lock, lock systems, lock prices, lock price, lock system, lock systems, bolt pinned lock price, strike lock
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